The 5 Awarenesses and OLB
The Five Human Awarenesses and the experience of Observerless Limitless Beingness.
The sages like to say that Reality, which they also call the Ultimate, the Absolute, or “Truth” is vast, profound, infinite, and unchanging.
People like to say that what is real is what they experience, and if they cannot experience something directly it is not real.
Brad discovered on his journey that all of it is real, and none of it is absolute, but it is better to say “relatively real.” Reality is a spectrum of existence or beingness which ranges from the most illusory, temporary thing to the most profound and permanent thing. He did not invent it. Others have said it, but the surprise is that they are mostly ignored. This will be shared in the book when it is published in 2020.
Even after making this discovery, he found no assurance that his life was making a positive impact . What more will it take?