The Final Duality

The Final Duality is a concept created by Brad Rosedale from his discovery that to attain the realization of nonduality, he had to resolve every duality (or polar opposite) arising in his awareness.  The final duality is the mind experiencing or seeing itself as separate or different from the heart.  This is explained in detail on a website which describes a method to reach this level of human awareness. While resolving the Final Duality leads to Unitive Awareness, it is not the final Enlightenment. But it covers a lot of ground and is an essential preparation. It is also inspiring and wonderful.

When seeking the realization of nonduality, countless inner conflicts and paradoxes (and some outer ones too) must be considered and resolved. Brad’s discovery of the final duality is none less than the unconditional acceptance by both the heart and the mind, which resolves into Unitive Awareness. This renders the world as a constantly changing but undivided stream of reality that is different from seeing things as a collection of different objects. With that comes interconnectedness and mental freedom. He discovered a different way to achieve it, which will be provided after the book is published.