• difficult romance,  human psychology,  personal development,  spiritual journey

    The final days of the Rosedales

    Moving beyond his robotic behavior, Brad meets the final challenge of fully accepting his humanity. He decides that because he has reached a contented state the mission has been accomplished.  He believes from his studies that he could pass on to a higher plane of existence, one with more evolved spiritual evolution. A terrible tragedy takes place – Elly dies in a plane crash returning from Japan. Brad is lost, but makes a final effort to  spend his remaining years in service to the good of others. He donates the Elly’s life insurance check to a charity for poor children, and takes a volunteer job doing medical exams in homeless…

  • adverse childhood experience,  constant object,  human psychology,  Wanderers

    Earth Birth

    Numan should have taken the  time, but he didn’t. He should have explored the possible birth options, and located a stable, loving family where opportunities to succeed as a human would be all set. Mentally triangulating the planet with the two senior members they were empowered by the Law of Squares, which potentiated their three minds into a powerful scanning instrument. Many possibilities were identified, but the best ones would have taken some time because there was such competition among other souls who desperately wanted to enter those lives. The members couldn’t choose for him. It was Numan’s mission alone,  and he was on it. There was also no need…