"A Very Human Mission" is a fiction novel about an alien who accepts a dare from a member of his group to be born on Earth and help human suffering. Impulsive and overconfident, he chooses to enter a traumatic childhood and encounters ongoing adversity that threaten his mission and even his life. Struggling to overcome personal conflicts and life challenges for many years, he finally gains wisdom about himself and humanity.

  • difficult romance,  metaphysics and mysticism,  spiritual journey,  UFOlogy,  Wanderers

    Challenged to help humanity

    Numan’s encounter with his lovely and radiant mentor from the higher dimension confirmed his decision to be born on Earth. In a strange way he felt he would miss her, knowing his human life would cut him off from any contact. Impulsive by nature, confident that his mental abilities and deep drive to succeed would make his mission as a human a cakewalk, he rushed into the Earth birth protocol.  Some members of his local planetary group had incarnated as humans in the past, and not all with good results. A few were stuck there, old souls in human bodies struggling with the task of discovering their purpose in life,…

  • metaphysics and mysticism,  UFOlogy,  Wanderers

    A special gathering of beings

    An alien being on a faraway planet toiled over his latest project.  It was a 256 mile-long magnetized transportation tube that could shuttle  humans faster and safer than the cars, trains, and airplanes that were popular on planet Earth. Sharing his latest invention at his group’s monthly gathering, nobody seemed interested. To dramatize how important and helpful his invention would be, at the next gathering he replicated a Boeing 707 jet crash. The plane made an awful nose dive, then smashed into the ground nearby, shaking it violently.  It landed close enough to fling some engine parts into their food substance, a delicious and nutritional nectar that they specially prepared…