personal development

After Earth

When he awakened to find himself floating horizontally, Brad Rosedale’s first thought was I am dead. Yet he could open his eyes and see two bluish hairless beings leaning over him. I am no longer human. I am Numan.

Memory of his pre-human life surged into his awareness, and the life he lived on Earth became a dream.

Assume the vertical position, said a voice inside his head. His body was raised up and he could feel the ground under his feet. Follow us, and he was walking behind two Elders and out of the Great Hall. He arrived at a circle where 300 beings sat facing him and began projecting sparkling and heart felt greetings. Their messages held information that told him he satisfied Cosmic Law and was successful in his human mission.

It surprised no  one more than Numan when his Angelic Mentor appeared from the higher dimension in a scintillating light ball, hanging briefly above them, then descending and taking the shape of an exquisite feminine form surrounded by a golden aura. Feeling his heart expand from the radiance of pure love, he gleaned that her visit was more than a welcome home.

Her radiance coalesces, grows brighter, and is released as a brilliant sphere of thought energy that settles over the group. You achieved goodness in a life destined to be otherwise, Numan…overcame the negative probability vortex for your mission…assisted several humans to find polarity on the positive path… Images from his life as Brad Rosedale flash among the thought projections: riding his bike in the rain to deliver papers to help pay his family’s rent; reading a Superman comic and realizing he wanted to help people; getting his face bloodied in a boxing ring and finding he couldn’t hit back because he didn’t want to hurt anyone; staying late at the hospital to help on a case when he had been up all night before.

The Elders are mystified that this human mission could merit such special attention. Many are willing to enter a difficult human incarnation if that is all it takes. The Angelic Mentor projects a glittery, compact thought ball to the Elders: Helping humanity from a place of profound adversity and experiencing deepening realizations about unity and the fabric of reality have rendered Numan’s life on this planet as unnecessary. He is free to remain here and teach or join me in unitive consciousness in the next dimension.

The Elders bewilderment focuses into a single observation. He was thousands of years, even many lifetimes away from finishing the lessons on this planet when he went on his human mission. We wish to know how this is possible in one Earth incarnation.

Angelic Mentor explains that each soul in the Creation is precious and timeless. Do not measure a soul’s worth by the speed of its evolution or by what dimension it inhabits. Know that you are in your best time and place. Engage with your world fully. Accept all, without condition.

Aware that their curiosity was unsatisfied, she went on: Numan’s life failed and he nearly died  following his initial success as s doctor helping humans. His recovery brought him to relinquish his craving for success and resolve his impulsivity. These were impediments that he carried from his pre-human life on your planet. From letting go of his desire for a soulmate, he became free to enter a relationship without expectation or judgment and found one with Elly who empowered his further spiritual evolution. My brothers and sisters, every life is unique and no two travel the same path. Your interconnection with each other is eternal and infinite.

Angelic Mentor gazes into Numan’s heart and sees his desire to leave the big blue planet and join her. She embraces him and in a strong pulse of golden light they vanish from the gathering place. The cosmos dances for Numan, new light energy consumes him, and his heart  thrills with ecstasy.

The two united light bodies enter a group of a million souls that are fused in one great mind and one shared heart. She senses his fear of the unknown world, reassures him, and admonishes him to accept and to wait. He has no need to do anything or be anyone…time passes…then he feels his heart beat as one with hers, making him one with the very universe.

He settles peacefully into the new dimension with his former mentor who is now his soul mate. I would like to visit the big blue planet one last time.

You can visit, and even become a mentor there, like I was for you. She arranges their visit at the next gathering, and everyone is happy to see him. He is congratulated on his amazing transition to the higher dimension. The radiant couple offer their services as mentors.

You can even go on a human mission, whenever you like, she projects.

I don’t think so, he replies. One lifetime on Earth was enough for an eternity.



"A Very Human Mission" is a fiction novel about an alien who accepts a dare from a member of his group to be born on Earth and help human suffering. Impulsive and overconfident, he chooses to enter a traumatic childhood and encounters ongoing adversity that threaten his mission and even his life. Struggling to overcome personal conflicts and life challenges for many years, he finally gains wisdom about himself and humanity.