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Author Bio
Joel Weddington is a physician, amateur philosopher, and author of the upcoming novel A Very Human Mission. A lifetime of experiencing and questioning the nature of being human-inspired him to write a novel that would share educational insights while providing page-turning entertainment. As a child Joel was fascinated by outer space and UFOs, began a spiritual journey as a teenager, and decades later spent time with spiritual masters in the San Francisco Bay Area, India, and Japan. Along the way, he went to medical school and became an orthopedic surgeon, studied religions and mysticism, and presented a paper on a new theory of consciousness in Rome, Italy. After many years of dedication to his profession, including personal setbacks that he transformed into achievements, his ideas and experiences have come together in an outline for a series of ten novels that will follow A Very Human Mission, all to be completed by 2025. Joel lives in the booming River Islands community of Central California where he and his wife maintain a water garden, grow their own vegetables, and care for their three rescue cats that lounge about leisurely and hint at what the simple life might be like.