Oman decides to challenge Brad (Numan) on Earth
The natives on the big blue planet, mostly Elders, would check in on their members who were foolhardy enough to go on a human mission. When they saw that Numan as Brad Rosedale, had succeeded in becoming a doctor, it was big news at The Gathering. Oman was especially intrigued and projected an energetic thought ball, “I’m going to be born on Earth and challenge Numan in his mission.” Everyone in the group was intensely amused, even the Elders paused and let sparks of laughter-energy ripple through their bodies. There was some discussion, and two Elders immediately offered to collaborate. They didn’t need to run Oman through the preparation protocol or ask for higher help. He had successfully Earth-birthed before. They started scanning for opportunities.
Oman knew not to rush and birth into a poor environment. He took great care, mind-melding with the Elders and scanning hundreds until he found a wealthy and nurturing family of three generations of attorneys named Crandall, with multiple offices in California. The probability vortices were high that Bradley Rosedale would end up back in his home state. John Crandall, The Third, had married one of his law school classmates and she had just become pregnant. The protocol was successful and his consciousness was transferred to her embryo in the middle of the first trimester. Unlike Numan, Oman had no problem suspending his activity for 7 months, waiting to be born on a human mission, not to help humanity, but to continue his game with his Earth-bound rival.