
Resources for A Very Human Mission come from the experiences and research performed by Brad Rosedale on his human journey.  In addition to entertaining you with stories of conflict and achievement, there are many insights and discoveries to share. Here is a summary of things available now or soon to come:

For A Healthy Body 

Since his desire early in life to be like Superman, Brad was focused on having a strong healthy body. That went away when he traded healthy living for a hard-partying girlfriend and long work hours. Reinventing himself later,  he discovered that Western medicine has conquered the mysteries of what we should eat and how we should exercise to achieve optimal human health, but hardly anyone knows about it. In a culture of chasing super-tasty food and spending much of our daily life in a chair, there is a lot of noise to cut through to get healthy, which Dr. Rosedale did, and he will share his findings.

Restoring A Fragmented Self

Numan in the higher dimension had no way of knowing how vulnerable a child can be to the human environment. Choosing impulsively he picked a bad one, which scarred his psyche and set him up for decades of problems. He learned almost too late that succeeding on his human mission demanded healing childhood wounds, which pushed him to study theories, get psychological help,  and apply the wisdom.  Resources and stories on healing childhood wounds as an adult and integrating the damaged ego-self will be shared.

Brad’s Spiritual Journal

After restoring his psychological self, something was missing and a new challenge was needed. This spiritual journal chronicles that difficult new mission, and offers some teachings and references along the way.

Inquiries About Awakening

Deepening on the path towards his new goal of Enlightenment, seemingly endless questions arise in his mind’s search for Truth and he contemplates each one until an answer comes.  Eventually, there will be no more questions. This set is dedicated to encouraging readers to seek, and inspiring seekers to inquire, and not stop until they have reached their goal.

The Final Duality

When seeking the realization of nonduality, countless inner conflicts and paradoxes (and some outer ones too) must be considered and resolved. Brad’s discovery of the final duality is none less than the unconditional acceptance by both the heart and the mind, which resolves into Unitive Awareness. This renders the world as a constantly changing but undivided stream of reality that is different from seeing things as a collection of different objects. With that comes interconnectedness and mental freedom. He created a website to describe this and offer a method to achieve it.

The Five Human Awarenesses and the experience of Observerless Limitless Beingness

These are subjects from a paper and poster presented at consciousnesses conferences and will be revealed in future blog posts and references.